Lol I liked the very last part befor the credits..
that was so funny..
Does anyone kno the song's name in the credits?!? Plz i wanna kno.
Lol I liked the very last part befor the credits..
that was so funny..
Does anyone kno the song's name in the credits?!? Plz i wanna kno.
That was hilarious.
I dont understand
why the hell did hank kill him self.WHY?!? makes no sense!
your questioning a movie which is based on a series that made no sense to begin with. XD
THat was Extreme
THat was toooo much
Lol....HA very funny THis should earn first place
Very creative .luve the voice. Kapoo...paklowow.Ha ha
and Hey ironman guess what I kno ur ironman.Whos voice is it again?
Ha ha ha..
THat ws really strong.I mean the guns,swords etc. Especially the giant .that was hilarious.
LOL nice
Loved it deserves 10/10.But the 3 volume isnt that gud.
Words don't fail me now
Age 30, Male
Doin closet stuff...
In ur closet..
Joined on 3/8/09