Worst fighting game ever..
You can clearly see the how lazily you made this game.
I mean except for the one-button combo scheme, everything seems consistent and repetitive.
Like the one enemy per level...
The hit-boxes are completely inaccurate.
And I dont like to pick a skill EVERYTIME I change a stage. I keep thinking I have a skill selected from the previous time I used it and when I press S nothing happens!
Also when I brutally murdered the first bird boss, I was expecting it to come crashing down or something. Instead, it just disappeared!
Poor effort..You cant even give up a simple effort to put in a dying animation for your boss.
Next complaint is, sometimes the stages dont make any sense at all:
The pirate ship clearly had a hole in it from which you enter. But later you fight a Kraken that is..inside the sand??! Clearly it couldnt have been in the water...
Next the bosses were not interesting at all..
1 pattern. THATS IT?!?
I was atleast expecting some action in the last boss but OMG. That one was the worst!
He didnt even try to hit me! It was more boring to kill him, maybe thats his technique.
I was expecting him to pound his fist AT me, instead of completely where I'm not.
I was literally just STANDING behind the gargoyle in his first form.
I know I might have sounded a bit harsh, but Oh Man, this game has soooo much potential!
The character design are just amazing...Just a bit more effort and detail and the little things can make this project playable.
I hope you take care of these things in your later games!
P.S. The little hint boxes you set up? Plz dont do that..
I like to figure things out on my own.