Thhis is amazing
Its got tht smooth slick to it which every cool guy with shades and one hand in the pocket would listen to..
Although the 24 sec on the vry last is rly unnecessary...
Apart from tht i would change a thing!
Thhis is amazing
Its got tht smooth slick to it which every cool guy with shades and one hand in the pocket would listen to..
Although the 24 sec on the vry last is rly unnecessary...
Apart from tht i would change a thing!
This made me rly happy....
It also got my head bobbing..
The Bass is AWESOME with a capital...evrything!!!
The end with the Xylaphone was pretty sweet
I hope this is unfinished cuz it just ends ther...
Also deeper beats would've hit the spot :D
Thanks! It's sadly finished, but I'll maybe remake/remix it someday..
Man I love the bass XD
This song is so..pixelicious XD!!
Going to my favs like duh!!
Thanks man,im glad that you like it!
It's good to see a fresh review in the morning
Ruben -Acid Paradox-
U shud be awarded a Noble Prize for the most musical mind ever XD
Wow.. usual...
Thank heavens ur back..
Man arent u tired of all these compliments and flattery?!
Anyway I dont think u shud be THT famous, or else u hog all the paparazzis to urself XD!!!
Welll... it wasnt gr8 like ur other stuff but it was sumthing different and new.
The intro with windy background was cool and then the music after tht was kinda gud.
But the ending part with the angel singing was rly wierd and scary, as in it didnt suit the rest of the music!!
Well anyway it was a bit relaxing and Good luck on the Pogo-project :)
Yeah I know it's different... I wanted to try and do something that wasn't, you know... just a catchy melody. I wanted to try and do something more original, even though I know that it's the catchy melody and fast tempo that sells music here on NG x) The ending... Nah, I don't really think it's scary :D But I agree, it doesn't completely suit the song. I think I won't bother changing it anymore, I'll move on :P Maybe not to the Pogo-project though, I'm not too happy about how it's turning out. We'll see.
This is lovely !
Ilike the way how u represented the same tune with diffrnt instruments!
I just love the tune!!!
I also love end!
Is just tooooo epic!!!
And no it doesnt lack anything..
I downloaded straight away when i heard the tune on 1:12!
Bcuz, i cant get better than tht can it?!
Also i LOV the hard rock tune at the back!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear this is soooo epic...
This proves u got music flowing thru ur viens I mean..
Did u drink hot coffee or sumthing :)
This is too epic plz make a longer version..PLZ
This tune is really catchy..I cant beleive ur were about to leave!!!
That would be the end fro me if u had!!
So what made u get back to this business!!
Words don't fail me now
Age 30, Male
Doin closet stuff...
In ur closet..
Joined on 3/8/09